
The Formula for a Healthy Family

Posted on: July 28, 2017 by Healthy Lives No Comments

It’s back to school time and the perfect opportunity to put the focus on your family’s health.
5-2-1-0 + 10 is based on a nationally recognized, evidence-based program designed to encourage behaviors that can prevent childhood obesity through healthy eating and physical activity.

Here’s the science behind the numbers to improve the health of your family:

Research shows a diet rich in five servings of fruits and vegetables a day provides the vitamins, minerals and fiber the body needs for proper growth, development and optimal health. This diet has been shown to lower rates of chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and diabetes. In addition, eating fruits and veggies also helps with weight loss or to maintain a healthy weight.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the typical child watches an average of five to six hours of television a day. This screen time has been linked with childhood obesity, lower reading scores and attention problems. The AAP recommends that children under age 2 shouldn’t watch any television.

Regular physical activity is essential for weight maintenance and prevention of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, colon cancer, and osteoporosis. Children pick up attitudes about exercise from their parents. Make physical activity a family affair to ensure your children stay active as adults.

Sugar-sweetened beverage consumption, such as soft drinks, punch or sports drinks, has increased dramatically since the 1970s; high intake among children is associated with being overweight, childhood obesity and dental cavities. The American Diabetes Association recommends water, low-fat milk, 100% juice, coffee, unsweetened tea and low-calorie drink mixes.

The National Sleep Foundation recommends 10 hours of sleep for children, and between seven and nine hours for adults. Studies have consistently shown that getting enough sleep is key in combating weight gain, heart disease, and keeping our immune system strong to fight off diseases.

Follow this formula to give you and your family more energy to do the things you love. Remember, if you model a healthy lifestyle your children are more likely to build those habits in their own lives.

About Healthy Lives

Healthy Lives is a unique approach to corporate wellness that helps employers improve their employees’ health and productivity and reduce healthcare costs through an unparalleled combination of deep clinical expertise, personal service and comprehensive solutions.

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